The news, journalists and Mass Media require a professional treatment that speaks their language to them so that they echo their news, activities, events, or the launching of new products and services, and that means doing Publicity
of the company .
Ceseyo press and public relations Office
offers services in the Anoia, Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Bages, Barcelonès, Garraf and Vallès Occidental of:
Writing press releases
Dissemination and promotion of press releases
Elaboration of written and digital press dossiers
Conducting interviews and reports for Mass Media and digital media
Organization of an interview schedule for Mass Media and digital media
Organization and promotion of press conferences for Mass Media and digital media
Gain presence and notoriety on the Internet and Mass Media
Writing press releases
Proposal of the plan of press and means of communication
Collection of information
Writing of the press release
Dissemination and promotion of press releases
Preparation of a press database
Sending the press release
Confirmation and promotion of the shipment
Preparation of written and digital press dossiers
Review of Mass Media and digital media
Preparation of a report of publications
Presentation of the press dossier
Conducting interviews and reports for Mass Media and digital media
Study about the character, subject or event object of the interview or report
Writing the texts of the report, the questions and answers of the interview
Make the photographs that will accompany the texts
Layout, delivery and dissemination of the report or the interview
Organization of an interview schedule for
Mass Media and digital media
Drafting and dissemination of a press release to a media BBDD, previously prepared
Promotion of the press release and its management to close interviews
Preparation of a schedule of interviews and accompaniment to the interviewee at the same
Preparation of a press dossier
Organization and promotion of press conferences for
Mass Media and digital media
Drafting and dissemination of a press release to a media BBDD, previously prepared
Promotion of the press release and its management to confirm attendance at the press conference
Space preparation, spokesperson and an on-site interview schedule
Preparation of a press dossier
Ceseyo are Journalists in the Anoia, Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Bages, Barcelonès, Garraf and Vallès Occidental
Press and public relations Office
Writing press releases
Dissemination and promotion of press releases
Preparation of written and digital press dossiers
Conducting interviews and reports for Mass Media and digital media
Organization of an interview schedule for Mass Media and digital media
Organization and promotion of press conferences for Mass Media and digital media
Ceseyo is located in Corbera de Llobregat and provides Press office and public relations, journalists, Writing press releases, Dissemination and promotion of press releases, Elaboration of written and digital press dossiers, Conducting interviews and reports for Mass Media and digital media, Organization of an interview schedule for Mass Media and digital media, Organization and promotion of press conferences for Mass Media and digital media, corporate communication, graphic designers, Design of websites and online shops e-commerce, Drafting layout and printing of corporate memories, Organization and promotion of national and international events, Design writing and printing of flyers diptychs and triptychs more mailing, Design and implementation of corporate business image, Organization of the participation of companies in national and international fairs, and business and digital marketing, community manager, SEO experts web positioning and e-commerce, SEM experts design and management of digital marketing campaigns, SMO experts creation and management of social networks Community Manager, Development of business marketing plans, Elaboration of the company's marketing mix, Preparation of marketing communication plans in the Anoia, Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, Bages, Barcelonès, Garraf, Vallès Occidental and to the municipalities of Argençola, Bellprat, El Bruc, Cabrera d’Anoia, Calaf, Calonge de Segarra, Capellades, Carme, Castellfollit de Riubregós, Castellolí, Copons, Hostalets de Pierola, Igualada , Jorba, La Llacuna, Masquefa, Montmaneu, Òdena, Orpí, Piera, La Pobla de Claramunt, Els Prats de Rei, Pujalt, Rubió, Sant Martí de Tous, Sant Martí Sesgueioles, Sant Pere Sallavinera, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Santa Maria de Miralles, La Torre de Claramunt, Vallbona d’Anoia, Veciana, Vilanova del Cami, Avinyonet del Penedès, Cabanyes, les Castellet i la Gornal, Castellví de la Marca, Font-rubí, Gelida, Granada, la Mediona, Olesa de Bonesvalls, Olèrdola, Pacs del Penedès, Pla del Penedès, el Pontons, Puigdàlber, Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, Sant Martí Sarroca, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Sant Quintí de Mediona, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Santa Fe del Penedès, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Subirats, Torrelavit, Torrelles de Foix, Vilafranca del Penedès , Vilobí del Penedès, Abrera, Begues, Castelldefels, Castellví de Rosanes, Cervelló, Collbató, Corbera de Llobregat, Cornellà de Llobregat, Esparreguera, Esplugues de Llobregat, Gavà, Martorell, Molins de Rei, Olesa de Montserrat, Pallejà, Palma de Cervelló, Papiol, Prat de Llobregat, Sant Andreu de la Barca, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sant Climent de Llobregat , Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Sant Feliu de Llobregat , Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Torrelles de Llobregat, Vallirana, Viladecans, Aguilar de Segarra, Artés, Avinyó, Balsareny, Callús, Cardona, Castellbell i el Vilar, Castellfollit del Boix, Castellgalí, Castellnou de Bages, l'Estany, Fonollosa, Gaià, Manresa, Marganell (o Santa Cecília de Montserrat), Monistrol de Montserrat, Mura, Navarcles, Navàs, Rajadell, Rocafort i el Pont de Vilomara, Sallent, , Sant Feliu Sasserra, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, Sant Mateu de Bages. Santpedor, Sant Salvador de Guardiola, Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Súria, Talamanca, Badalona, Barcelona , Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besós , Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Canyelles, Cubelles, Olivella, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú , Badia del Vallès, Barberà del Vallès, Castellar del Vallès, Castellbisbal, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Gallifa, Matadepera, Montcada i Reixac, Palau-solità i Plegamans, Polinyà, Rellinars, Ripollet, Rubí, Sabadell , Sant Cugat del Vallès, Sant Llorenç Savall, Sant Quirze del Vallès, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Sentmenat, Terrassa , Ullastrell, Vacarisses and Viladecavalls